Oh how I wish it was summer right now. The weather in beautiful Southern California has been rainy, cold and miserable. We've actually had to turn the heat on for the past week, yes I know, poor us. But some of us are made for warmer temperatures and don't do so well in cold. My best solution to cold crappy weather is to scrap (and daydream) about warm, summer beach days. My niece gives me the best photo ops, a shot of her snapped at the beach this past summer, dancing away. I was having a hard time with the Cosmo Cricket's
Salt Air collection before this layout. I don't know what it was but everything I used it in came out looking crappy, very pleased with this one though. The text on the bottom reads, "McKinley always dances as if
everybody is watching." A little star she is.
Waves cut out with my Silhouette |